Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Entry 1: Introductory Post

We are a group of students from Globalization, Cyber Cultures, and Future Studies class from Universiti Sains Malaysia under supervision of Dr. Reevany Bustami from the School of Social Science. The purpose of us, making this blog is to encourage recycling among students in USM. Here is our proposal. It'd be a great delight to us if you guys can show some support for this movement.

To encourage recycling among students.
USM is known as a sustainable campus where we work towards a sustainable environment. And this is closely related to recycling habit apart from doing a lot others environment friendly practices. But, we can see that most students still aren’t practicing recycling regularly although most of them know what recycling is all about and the effects  it have on the environment. Therefore, we would like to provide a place for them to recycle starting from the very basic place, their Desasiswa. We think it might encourage them to recycle if they have the medium provided to do so. And we also would like to enhance their knowledge regarding recycling.
1. To improve student’s awareness and knowledge regarding recycling because although USM is a sustainable campus, not many students practice recycling in their daily life.
2. To protect the environment.
3. To provide a place for students to recycle in Desasiswa for their recyclable stuffs to make it easier and encouraging them to recycle. 
Desired impacts:
1. A place is provided for students to recycle in most Desasiswa if not all in USM.
2. Students knowledge regarding recycle is improved.
3. Long term effects; the campus environment is kept clean.

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